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Dermatology English

All information about English Dermatology Mesa

What’s causing My Sore Tongue?

If your tongue is sore, it would be very tough to ignore this problem. It would be painful while speaking or eating and you may worry that something is seriously wrong. The good news is that most causes of a sore tongue aren’t a reason for concern.


Causes of Sore Tongue – Trauma is a situation that occurs when you bite very hot or girding your teeth may cause pain on the outer edge of your body. After getting injury to your tongue it will create an uncomfortable environment for you until the damage fully heals.


If you are having white or red bumps on your tongue and the swollen taste can also be painful for you but you can get rid of this problem within a few days. Other infections may also give you a sore tongue, such as hand, foot and mouth disease, Human papillomavirus and syphilis. Food sensitivity and oral allergy can make the sore tongue and with the painful tongue you will experience an itchy mouth, a scratchy throat, and swelling of your lips, mouth, or tongue,


Smoking is also one of the most common issues that can cause tongue pain. You would be at a higher risk while smoking because many other issues can cause in your mouth including stained teeth and bad breathe, hairy tongue from bacteria and yeast growth, thickened and pale or white palate, or roof of your mouth and brown spots on your gums.


Vitamin deficiency and anemia also create such type of issues. It is very important to call your doctor or English Dermatology Mesa whenever you felt something strange or any changes in your tongue that concern you. These changes may include anything from a change in color, lumps, and sores to pain that continues for two weeks or longer.

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