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Dermatology English

All information about English Dermatology Mesa

Why Are My Teeth So Sensitive?

Tooth sensitivity is also known as Dental hypersensitivity that brings pain and discomfort in your life. it can be temporary and affect one tooth or sometimes all of your teeth. Symptoms of a sensitive tooth include hot food and beverages, cold food and beverages, cold water, especially during the dental cleaning.


What causes sensitive teeth? Some people naturally got a sensitivity problem while others face this issue due to having thinner enamel. Enamel is the outer layer that protects the tooth from beings damaged. Tooth enamel can be worn down from brushing hardly and grinding your teeth at night. This problem can also occur due to eating or drinking acidic foods and beverages.


Symptoms of sensitive teeth include hot food and beverages, cold food and beverages, cold water during a dental cleaning and many more. If you are having problems with tooth decay, broken teeth and chipped teeth you will go through the sensitivity problem. You might feel the sensitivity of a particular tooth instead of the majority of teeth. After consulting the English Dermatology Mesa you will get the treatment of worn down filling and crown that would be able to get rid of this Problem.

How are sensitive teeth diagnosed? if you are worried about your sensitivity and going through this problem for the first time you should consult with your dermatologist as soon as possible. They will analyze the health of your teeth and check all the potential problems such as cavities, a loose filling or any other problem that could be the reason for your sensitivity. Never skip routine dental cleaning because during your dental leaning the Dentist will use all the dental instruments and carefully analyze the proper condition of your teeth. Always choose a toothpaste that is specifically designed for sensitive teeth and use alcohol-free mouth wash for daily use.

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